Partnership offers, through AIA Miami publications, website, and events, plus exposure and recognition throughout the year, allow your company to make a focused advertising/marketing investment. Your message to this audience of architect, engineers, contractors, and business leaders will be directed at the people who require and recommend your products and services. A non-profit organization, AIA Miami is dedicated to enhancing the practice and product of architecture and a portion of chapter proceeds will benefit student scholarships and educational programs.

AlA Miami is committed to member-to-member business.

Partners have ample opportunity to promote their company and products at numerous events, make new contacts, and develop professional relationships throughout the year. All Partners have the opportunity to serve on committees and task forces as well as network with architects at events be it virtual or in person.

Did you know?

There are more opportunities than ever to reach our membership, especially as a Platinum Plus or Titanium Partner! And our membership is growing! As the largest AIA chapter in Florida, AIA Miami has over 975 members that you want to reach! In addition, our mailing list of over 5,000, our strong social media presence, and our actively used website offer our Partners premium exposure to Miami’s design community.

Partnership with AIA Miami is an investment that brings immediate rewards!

Partnership opportunities include introducing speakers at our Town Halls, quarterly new member events, premium recognition on our website and various e-blasts, discounted website & newsletter ads, as well as many more customized benefits. In addition there are a variety of events with opportunities for networking, including:

Archtober is celebrate Architecture & Design in October: This month-long series of activities was created to promote public awareness and appreciation of architecture and design within our community. Events include SEEK Miami Scavenger Hunt, tours of noteworthy buildings and our sensational Design Awards Gala.

Architects in the making (AIM) Summer Camp: More than 75 children from throughout Miami-Dade County participate in the popular summer camp and may indeed be inspired to become tomorrow’s architects. Let’s see what the next year holds!

Black Architects in the Making (BAM): BAM brings the profession of architecture to the neighborhoods by holding workshops throughout the community.

AIA Miami Partnership Levels

  • Host two weekday events @ MCAD free of charge*
  • Deeply discounted space rental @ MCAD for additional events*
  • Opportunity for multiple continuing education programs
  • Six tickets to the Design Awards Gala
  • Premium recognition @ Annual Design Awards Gala
  • Partner of the month recognition on website homepage

*Virtual until further notice

  • Firm profile in Newsletter E-blast and on website
  • Company logo featured on Zoom backgrounds during events
  • One-year Allied Membership
  • Logo and link on homepage
  • Specialized Social Media posts & takeover
  • Two Foursomes & prominent signage at the Golf Tournament
  • Opportunity for customized benefits
  • Host one weekday event @MCAD free of charge
  • Discounted space rental @ MCAD
  • Four tickets to the Design Awards Gala
  • Recognition @ Annual Design Awards Gala
  • Partner of the Month recognition on homepage

*Virtual until further notice

  • Partner of the Month recognition in weekly Newsletter e-blast*
  • Logo and link on homepage*
  • One-year Allied Membership
  • Company logo featured on Zoom backgrounds
  • Specialized Social Media Posts
  • Two tickets to Design Awards Gala
  • Discounted booth at DTE*
  • Recognition at Design Awards Gala*
  • Discounts on space rental at MCAD

*Virtual until further notice

  • One year Allied Membership
  • Three virtual lunchtime CE classes
  • Company logo & website link featured on signage, website, newsletter
  • One year Allied Membership
  • Host two noon CE classes
  • Company logo featured on virtual signage at two events (except Gala & Golf)
  • Company logo on AIA Miami website and newsletter e-blasts