Newly Licensed?

Renew as an Architect after the first or second year of becoming licensed and you will receive a special membership dues discount.

Newly licensed architect benefits:
Architect members attaining their initial license will be included in a three year program that phases in your national Architect dues over a three year period.

  • 1st calendar year after licensure-renew at Associate member rate + 1/3 the difference of Architect member rate
  • 2nd calendar year after licensure-renew at Associate member rate + 2/3 the difference of Architect member rate
  • 3rd calendar year after licensure-renew at Architect member rate
  • AIA designation

Don’t forget to use the AIA designation after your name. It reflects your expertise and dedication, and reinforces this message to both the public and your peers every time you use it.
Transcript + continuing educationYour member transcript makes it easy to track your progress toward completing the 18 AIA learning units (continuing education credits) you will need to earn annually, including 12 on health, safety, and welfare (HSW) topics. This requirement aligns with most state mandatory continuing education requirements, and we’ll automatically update your transcript with any AIA LUs that you earn.
Earn HSW, ADA, GBCI, RIBA, and AXP credits through AIAU, your online destination for curated five-star courses. There are also hundreds of CE opportunities through AIA Convention, chapter conferences and events, and leadership training hosted all year long.
AIA Trust
Architects and firms of any size can stay ahead of risk in your daily practice with the AIA Trust. Products, services, and resources include risk management strategies, starting a firm how-to’s, and indispensable member benefits such as health insurance, professional liability insurance, legal assistance, and more.
Received your license after January 1, 2015
• Currently an Associate member renewing your membership as an Architect for the first time or,
• Membership status changed from associate to architect occurred in 2015 or 2016.
• Have never been an Architect member of the AIA previously
• Former Associate members who allowed their membership to terminate and then reinstated as an Architect are NOT eligible for this promotion.
Please note that the AlA is a three-tiered organization. Although your membership is at the national, state and local levels this promotional offer applies only to dues for the national. Some local and state AlA chapters may charge full Architect membership dues which will be reflected in your 2017 membership invoice.
Your architect dues will be determined by the initial year of licensure.
Former Associate members who allowed their membership to terminate and then reinstated as an Architect are not eligible for this promotion.