Florida License CE Renewal

Florida architects have two important deadlines approaching.
Dec. 31, 2024­: Continuing education credits must be completed.
Feb. 28, 2025­: Florida licenses must be renewed
Florida law requires architects to complete at least 24 hours of continuing education credit — 22 HSW plus a two-hour advanced Florida Building Code credit — between Jan.1, 2023, and Dec. 31, 2024.­ Continuing education units must be obtained by Dec. 31 prior to the Feb. 28 license renewal deadline.

Visit the Florida­ ­­Department of Business and Professional Regulation website to renew your Florida architect license.

View our FAQs page.

To receive email notification about upcoming webinars and important licensure renewal information, please be sure you are subscribed to AIA Florida email. Click here­ to subscribe.


In 2012, the Florida Administrative Code changed from 20 to 24 hours of continuing education per biennium, meaning 22 hours of health, safety and welfare-approved courses and two hours of the advanced Florida Building Code. For more inforamtion, see the DBPR Architecture Continuing Education Handbook.
When an architect renews their license, they will attest to completing 24 continuing education hours from Jan. 1, 2023, through Dec. 31, 2024.
The Board of Architecture and Interior Design (BOAID) no longer accepts optional self-directed study courses delivered by non-AIA providers.­
For a reference chart showing AIA Continuing Education requirements vs. Florida Continuing Education requirements, consult the table below or click here.


AIA Membership CE Requirements ­Florida Architect License CE


­Number of Credits Required Per Year­

18 Learning Units (LU)

  • 12 HSW LU
  • 6 LU
­Per Biennium­

24 Learning Units (LU)

  • 22 HSW LU
  • 2 Florida Building Code Advanced
Renewal Period Expiration Dec. 31 of each year Feb. 28 of each odd numbered year
Time Period to Earn CEH Per Calendar Year Per Biennium
Carry Over Up to 18 LUs annually No Carryover Allowed
Reference Refer to the­ ­­­­­AIA CES Member FAQs for more information. ­Refer to the DBPR’s Architectural Continuing Education Handbook and the Board of Architecture & Interior Design FAQ.­ Most questions can be answered by reading these resources.
Contact AIA Florida
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Customer Contact Center
(850) 487-1395